Interactive fiction has been developing over years. Most of it has gone from wrting on paper to computer browsers. I belive that in interaactive fiction could begin to make a push onto the mobile gaming community. I think mobile did create a lot of new spaces for Interactive fiction, and there were a number of successes for games that were fundamentally IF, with some really good art direction and a heap of a lot of content and polish. That push basically already happened, though, in my opinion. I think you can always carve your own lane with an amazing new game, but I think that the "commercial" potential of IF is always going to be in bringing high-quality storytelling to more graphical games. A few companies have tried to come up with a great mobile platform for IF that connects authors to a good mobile deployment and profit model, but I haven't seen anyone quite accomplish it. There's one person I've seen be moderately successful making Twine games for a Patr...