1984 Cutthroat infocom

This week in my IF class at UPJ we are examining a form of interactive fiction pertaining to infocoms. If you are un-familiar of an infocom it is a from of telecommunications that enhanced the interaction between the computer and the user. This allowed IF to be more comprehend able and acceptable to the commands the user gave to the computer. My professor Dr. David Justus provided us a list of infocoms for us to examine and I chose a piece of work called Cutthroat. There are many differnt works of IF infocoms but this one was most appealing to me. Play Cutthroats here "An adventure game with an objective much different than that of typical adventure games, Cutthroats was a treasure hunt of a unique sort, as the treasure was beneath the waves. While most of the game did take place on dry land, there was quite a bit of plot, and a lot of color in the locales that made the game, and the characters it involved very believa...